Dr Darren practices gender affirming care for adolescents in accordance with the 2023 Australian Standards of Care and Treatment Guidelines for Trans and Gender Diverse Children and Adolescents. In Australia, for legal reasons, assessment by a mental health clinician experienced in the care of transgender people may be required for those under 18.
Gender affirming hormone treatment
In all States and Territories (except Queensland), the approval of both parents/guardians is required before gender affirming hormone therapy can be given. The situation is a little different in Queensland in that parental approval is not required for hormone treatment if the young person is mature enough to make up their own mind about such treatment. The age to start hormone treatment will vary depending on the young person themselves, but it would be unusual to start before the age of 15.
Hormone therapy is generally available under the PBS (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) and so the cost is low and very affordable.
Puberty-blocking drugs
Puberty-blocking drugs ‘hit the pause button’ on puberty but allow other growth and development to occur. These are usually started soon after the onset of puberty (which in Australia is commonly between the ages of 9 and 13) and may be taken for some years before the young person is mature enough to start hormone treatment. Extensive assessment of the young person is required before puberty-blockers are prescribed, and both parents must approve and consent to the treatment, too, except in Victoria where only one parent needs to give their consent. The medication is given as an injection every 3 months.
Puberty-blocking medications are not available under the PBS (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) and the cost of these medications is high and unfortunately not affordable for many families. State and Territory governments may make these medications available at low cost in the public hospital system but accessing them can be difficult and there may be lengthy waiting lists stretching out for 2 years or more.
They can be purchased privately from your local pharmacy with a prescription from a doctor but currently cost over $700 per injection (which lasts 3 months). Alternatively, they can be imported from overseas suppliers at a cost of around $460 per injection – in Australia this is legal with a doctor’s prescription.
Seeing Dr Darren
Dr Darren is able to work with the young person and the family over several appointments, usually in conjunction with your general practitioner and/or other health professionals.
Please be aware that everyone is unique and assessment time is highly variable depending on the individual circumstances and the complexity of the young person’s needs.
As mentioned above, a mental health clinician experienced in transgender health may need to conduct the assessments for adolescents. Dr Darren can work with local providers in your area to try to arrange the assessment, though if this is not possible the assessments can be carried out via telehealth through our clinic.
Puberty blockade and hormonal gender affirmation are cooperative processes and the purpose of these detailed assessments is for Dr Darren to get to know the young person and their family and to develop mutual trust and respect. The aim is to get to know the young person and their needs so that Dr Darren can develop personalised, safe, and effective medical gender affirming care plans and achieve the best possible outcomes.
Some individuals will have complex care needs that require psychiatric or other medical input. Dr Darren will discuss this at your appointment and arrange referral if necessary. If the young person already sees a non-GP specialist for other health care needs, please bring their contact details to the appointment so Dr Darren can include them in correspondence.